On December 20, 2012, Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. filed a petition with the Public Service Board for approval to construct approximately 43 miles of new gas transmission pipeline along a specified route from Colchester to Middlebury. Vermont Gas Systems filed significant amendments to its petition on February 28, 2013, reflecting certain changes in the proposed route of the pipeline. Also included in the proposal are distribution mainlines that would connect the new transmission pipeline with locations in Vergennes and Middlebury, along with new pressure regulation stations in Williston and New Haven. (For details of the specific routes and facilities, please see the amended petition.) Vermont Gas Systems must obtain a “Certificate of Public Good” from the Public Service Board for the project in order to go forward. The case in which the Board will consider the company’s petition is Docket 7970.
Public Participation/Hearings
- Citizens’ Guide to the Vermont Public Service Board’s Section 248 Process
- Schedule of Public Hearings
- How to File a Public Comment
Significant Documents
- Petition, Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits
- Notice to Adjoining Landowners and Towns
- Hearing Notices
- Orders and Memoranda
- Service List (updated as of 5/31/2013)
- Budget Status Reports
- Post Certification Review
- Remand (including Board Orders)
- Soil Management Plan
- VGS Request for Non-Substantial Change Determination